Developing the man for the work of the ministry through
sound Christo-centric practical courses and mentorship,
And equipping believers to exercise the grace of the
Lord that has been freely made available to all man


This program can help you apply your
Christian faith to daily life in both word
and deed and help you develop the skills
needed to engage in effective ministry.


This program helps students in developing
their ability to analyze, interpret, and apply
the Bible in the church and to the world

Welcome to New Covenant Bible College Nigeria

Christ centered Teachings & Practices

To Raise Believers For Dynamic Ministry

Practical Strategic Discipleship & Mentorship


Core Area Analysis

The six core areas of focus shall be dealt with under the following courses of instruction within the College

Inner life development

One of our major focus is to help believers understand the inner workings of the Spirit of God

Walking with the Spirit

In this section, students will be exposed to doctrinally sound teachings on understanding the Holy Spirit


Dynamics of Faith,
Faith: God’s Method for Kingdom, Projects (special course)

Calling and ministry

Calling and Introduction to Ministry, Preaching and Pulpit Management, Pastoral Ministry, Tent Making & Christian counselling, Power in Ministry (special course).

Knowledge of the scripture

Bible Introduction/Pentateuch, Historical Books, Prophetic books & Apocalyptic Literature, Poetic Books, Gospels and Acts, General Epistles.

The church

The Church: GOD’s own family, Fundamental principles & practices of the Church / Church Administration, Church planting, growth, Missions & Evangelism, History of Revivals.

Online Classes

We hold live online classes every Thursday and Saturday by 8pm GMT+1, and we are very particular about replicating the exact experience of the on-site students for our online students.
Our examinations are also conducted online, and we are very much interested in pushing the boundaries of our online learning experience for our students all over the world.

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