Fees for Onsite Students

Tuition fee = N20,000 x two semesters = N40,000

Registration fee = N2000

Acceptance fee = N4000

Fees for Online Students

Tuition fee = N25,000 x two semesters = N50,000

Registration fee = N2500

Acceptance fee = N3000

The six areas of focus are divided into two sequential parts for instruction in the College. The first part focuses on the development of the ‘Man’; the second part focuses on the development of the ‘Ministry’. The courses are allocated to each part in accordance with whether it is the ’Man’ or the ‘Ministry’ that they address. The courses are allocated as follows:-


This course gives an account of what the inner life is and how it relates with the outer/physical/material life. The development of the inner life is conceptualized as a continuous process of spiritual transformation. The course shall focus on:

  • Indicators of a shallow inner life: anger, confusion, sin, lethargy with scripture, enjoyment of carnality, lack of spiritual power/gifts.
  • The importance of inner life
  • Prerequisites for inner life development: being born again, enacting a relationship with the Holy Spirit, life of prayer, internalising the word through reading, meditation, living by the word, effective discipleship and mentoring, internalizing basic Christian ethics, fasting , private worship.
  • The known disciplines of growth: study, prayer; worship; fasting, fellowship.
  • Indicators of the development of the inner life: fruit of the Spirit, gifts of the Spirit, fruitful function / spiritual productivity


Course Objectives


At the end of the course, the students is expected to be able to:-

  • Develop a working description of spiritual formation in man and its development
  • Develop an understanding of the role of spiritual disciplines and their application for personal growth
  • Develop a healthy prayer life as a basis for ministry and personal growth
  • Develop a greater hunger to understand GOD and his Word
  • Develop a commitment to continuous learning
  • Have an accurate assessment of his or her natural ability, talents and Spiritual gifts
  • Have a testimony of personal heart transformation

This course is an overview of the person of the Holy Spirit and the manifestations of His presence in the Church and in the individual believer. Special attention would be paid to the following:

  • Understanding the nature of the holy
  • The tripartite nature of
  • Developing the spirit of man,
  • How to cultivate the presence of the Holy Spirit: the issue of silence (inner and outer), consistent pursuit (with the whole of your heart).
  • Phases of spiritual growth-starting with baby steps (the example of Samuel).
  • Gaining understanding of the gifts and fruit of the Holy Spirit as it relates to Christian living and
  • The works of the Holy Spirit in the life and ministry of believer, and the world in
  • The place of obedience in relating with the Holy
  • Dealing with the problem of sin and the walk with the Holy Spirit; and
  • The Holy Spirit, burn – out seasons and the place of solitude (example – Elijah on the mountain)
This course elucidates the nature and history of the church from the old to the New Testament. Various perspectives on the structure and function of the church would be examined. Specific issues to discuss include the priesthood of all believers and the clergy/laity distinction. We would also examine the   structure of the early church, focusing on the issue of team ministry in order to derive essential lessons for the contemporary church. Specific issues to be discussed include: prerequisite for membership of the church; dynamics of relationship between members; Biblical principles of conflict resolution; discipline of offending members and workers training with the objective of helping members understand their purpose, function, job description and how to maintain unity; Biblical principles and structure of church leadership; prerequisites for leadership; dynamics of team ministry and the unity of the five-fold ministry (Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers); challenges of leadership and basic management and administrative principles; and financial management of the church.

Course objectives

At the end of this course, students are expected to be able to:-
  • Explain the meaning of the Church in Biblical perspectives, as the Body of Christ, as the Bride of Christ, as the House of GOD, and as GOD’s own family.
  • Describe the characteristics of the early Church and draw essential lessons from there for the Church
  • Understand Church leadership structure and its requirements
Understand and gain practical knowledge in church administration and financial management
This course begins with a panoramic view of the history of the Bible, the origin, and the emergence of different translations of the Bible. It would also explain the formation of the Bible and the existence of some non-canonized writings,   manners and customs of Bible times. An insight into the traditions of the people who lived in Bible times from the Hebrews to the Babylonians to the Greeks (family life, hospitality, feasts, dressing and vocations) shall be studied as an introduction for an in-depth study of the first five books of the Old Testament. Emphasis would be on the theme and contents of each book along with the meaning and significance of the historical events and messages of the books. Emphasis would also be placed on how God’s moral foundation for the nation of Israel speaks to the people and nations of all times. The focus of our study includes an overview of:-  
  • The structure of the Bible: Old and New Testaments along with the categorisation and broad themes of their books
  • Canonology, translations and versions of the Bible
  • Bible times
  • The peoples referred to in the Bible and their cultures
  • Basic questions often asked about the Bible
  • The first five books of the Hebrew Bible called the ‘Pentateuch’ (Comprising Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, & Deuteronomy)
  • To read and interpret the Pentateuch in light of its ancient near eastern and canonical texts
  • To identify theological themes that run throughout the Pentateuch. Examples are themes pertaining to creation, origin of man, sin, choice of Abraham, the origin of the nation of Israel, and the messianic
  • Practical implications of the central themes of the Pentateuch for the practice of Christianity


Course objectives

At the end of this course, students are expected to have a full understanding of:-
  • The structure of the Bible
  • Canons, translations and versions of the Bible
  • Basic questions asked about the Bible
  • The Pentateuch along with the basic theological themes included therein and the practical implications of these for Judaism and Christianity today
  • Focus on the symbolic and linguistic indicators of the Messiah in the Pentateuch
This course focuses on the general nature, structure, content and significance of the historical books in the Bible: Joshua; Judges; Ruth; I Samuel; II Samuel; I Kings; II Kings; I Chronicles; II Chronicles; Ezra; Nehemiah; and Esther. This would span the period from the formation of the nation of Israel, the institution of the monarchy to the Babylonian captivity. It would summarise each of the historical books with emphasis on significance for the church today. Attention would also be paid to dating, authorship and the messianic prominence of each of the historical books. The purpose of this course is to enable students to do the following:-
  • Gain an integrated overview of Israelite history from its pre-history to the close of the Old Testament period
  • Explore the two great historical works of the Old Testament – the prophetic history of Joshua through second Kings, and the Priestly history of first Chronicles through Nehemiah, as well as the books of Ruth and Esther. The content of these works will be integrated with the outline of history from the first stated goal and the theological focus of each will be highlighted and
  • Examine the salvation history of Israel so as to discover therein the pictures of GOD that arise from the records of HIS mighty acts and to learn what it means to be HIS people from the accounts of the Israelites’ interactions with their
  • Relate the salvation history of Israel to the salvation of man


Course objectives

At the end of this course, the students are expected to be able to:-
  • Relate the history of Israel to modern Christianity
  • Relate in reasonable detail the content of the historical writings of the Old Testament
  • Outline the similarities and differences in perspectives historically and literally of these writings
This course is an in - depth study of the prophetic books (Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, etc.) and an introduction into Apocalyptic literature (Daniel and Revelation). For the prophetic books, special focus would be on the classification (major and minor, pre – exilic, exilic, and post exilic), historical background, authorship, scope, content, time of prophecy and general message of each book. This will be related to the place of prophetic ministry in the church today. The relevance of the messages in the books to effective Christian living would also be considered. With regards to the apocalyptic books, attention would be paid to the book of revelation and other apocalyptic literatures with a view to link prophecy to its partial fulfilment, and the expected future fulfilment. It would also examine the revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ to John and the messages about the end times as applied to individuals and the church. An attempt would also be made to interpret current global events in the light of the contents of prophetic and apocalyptic books.


Course objectives

At the end of this course, students should be able to:-
  • Bridge the Biblical world and the world of today by paying due attention to the timely and timeless aspects of the apocalyptic and prophetic books
  • Arrange the prophets chronologically and geographically, as well as classify them in their major, minor, pre – exilic, exilic, and post exilic groupings.
  • State the general themes or purpose for each of the prophetic books
  • Evaluate the particular issue each of the prophetic books is responding to
Identify common tools / symbols of apocalyptic interpretations, e.g. horns mean strength, beast means a ruler or a dispensation
This course is a study of the poetic literature of the Old Testament books of Psalms, Proverbs, Job, Ecclesiastes, and Songs of Solomon. The focus would be on the nature of poetry, its manifestations in the Bible, significance of studying the poetic books, historical settings, authorship, content, spiritual values and moral teachings inherent in these books. Special attention would be paid to the messianic content of the books as well as the relevance of the messages to effective Christian living.


Course objectives

At the end of this course, students are expected to have a comprehensive grasp of:-
  • Nature of poetry
  • Nature of poetry in the Bible
  • Importance of studying the poetic books
  • Characteristics of Hebrew poetry
  • Messianic content of poetic books
This course examines the different perspectives from which the synoptic gospels view the birth, person and ministry of Christ, taking note of their essential differences and similarities. Jesus Christ is shown as the foretold Messiah of the Old Testament, the initiator of Gods new kingdom on earth. The activities of Peter, Paul and Barnabas as they were motivated by the Holy Spirit in the Acts of the Apostles will be examined. How Jesus Christ is revealed to men by the Holy Spirit through the early Apostles would be an important focus of the study of the Acts of the Apostles. This course helps the student to comprehend the essence of the Christian gospel message through studying the Gospels. It also helps to respond to various contemporary issues and challenges faced by Christian leaders and Churches today. It presents an overview of the four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke & John) with emphasis on the Christological uniqueness of each Gospel’s portrait of Christ’s history, ministry, person and work. The course introduces the student to literary genres, structural analyses and the practical use of literary critical tools such as socio-historical and traditio- critical methodologies for gospel research. The course focusses mainly on how to apply the basic truths taught by Jesus Christ during his earthly ministry to our lives.

Course objectives

After completing this course, the students should have achieved an understanding of:-
  • The four canonical Gospels to see what each of these four portraits of Jesus tells us and the literary and theological relationships between the Gospels and the major themes each one
  • The overall literary theme and design of each Gospel and how to interpret those messages according to each Gospel’s unique literary plan.
  • The basic introductory issues of each gospel according to its author, its own historical-cultural context, traditional dating, and
  • Attitudinal and behavioural changes made or mandated in your personal life as a result of increased understanding of the life and work of Jesus Christ.
  • The basic historical sketch of Jesus’ Christological pre-existence, incarnation, birth, life, passion, death, burial and
  • The story of the Acts of the Apostles
  • Our personal lives within the continuing story of the Acts
  • Sharing of the Gospel with others
  • The importance of developing a deeper love for, and commitment to GOD.
  • The importance of developing a deeper love for, and a commitment to the Church
  • Effectively teach the Acts
The course would begin with a general introduction of the epistles before focusing on the authors, background prevailing at the times of writings, and the contents of each of the books. It would focus on the style, themes, purpose and primary teachings of each book. A primary objective of this course would be to show forth both the doctrinal and practical teachings inherent in the epistles and how they relate to Christians today. Basic issues addressed in the letters and circumstances surrounding them would be examined. The course will make adequate distinction among Pauline, Pastoral and General Epistles.

Course objectives

At the end of the course, students are expected to:-
  • Understand the differences between Pauline, Pastoral and General Epistles as well as the themes peculiar to each of these classifications of the Epistles
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the main teachings of the Epistles in the light of their original contexts, and how to apply those teachings to the lives of believers and unbelievers living in the twenty first
Demonstrate an understanding of some of the textual and interpretive problems involved in understanding and applying the Epistles today
The thrust of the courses include the following:
  • Clarification of what fundamental principles
  • Identification of the fundamental principles and practices of the church:
  • Inspiration and inerrancy of the scripture- II Tim.3:16-17; II Peter 1: 19- 21.
  • Virgin birth and deity of Jesus Christ: Math.1:18; John 8:58; John 10:30; John 16:27-28; Luke 24:39.
  • Substitutionary atonement of Christ - He died for our sins: Math. 20:28; I Cor.15:34; John 4: 25-26.
-Bodily resurrection of Christ from the dead - Acts1: 3; Luke 24: 2-6.
-Second coming of Christ- I Tess. 4: 16-17; Acts 1:9-11; Rev. 19: 11-16.
  • Clarification of the relationship between principles and
  • The extent to which the core principles of the Christian faith are upheld today.
  • How to ensure that fundamental Christian principles are practiced
  • Discussion of core Christian practices: being born again; baptism; communion; prayer; tithes and offering; praise and


The objective of this course is to equip students with an understanding of how to recognise the call of God into ministry, the proper idea of ministry and the process of becoming a minister. Hence, the expected character and prerequisites for a minister of the gospel would be studied. In this regard, the range of spiritual gifts requisite for ministry would be discussed along with how we can identify them This course will introduce students to the philosophical and theological aspects of the ministry. The primary thrust of the course is to help students develop a practical approach and skills which will enable them to function as under shepherds in various ministry settings. Lectures are devoted to emphasizing a team orientation to the organization and administration of Pastoral nurturing. This course is a prerequisite for all other pastoral care classes The importance of training leaders and how to accomplish the task will be emphasised. Basic foundational information for the ministry and practical ministerial tips shall be considered. Other areas of focus are submission and authority as Pastor/Congregation, husband/wife, Parents/Children. Responsibility inherent in each area and how to use authority and submit to those in authority will be considered.


Course objectives

At the conclusion of the course, the students are expected to:-  
  • Be acquainted with the basic concepts, methodologies and resources pertaining to contemporary Christian ministry
  • Gain personal insight concerning how one’s calling, character, spiritual gifts and personality qualities contribute to Christian
  • Learn the basic theories, techniques and leadership methods related to the organization and administration of Christian nurturing
  • Develop skills of interpersonal relationships with all constituencies in the local ministry
Comprehend basic concepts, methodologies and resources of ministry
The course focuses on the nature and levels of faith as well as its centrality to Christianity. On the nature of faith, the course would discuss the essence and significance of faith and attempt to distinguish it from presumption and foolishness. It would also discuss how faith in God is to be exercised in practical terms. Attention would also be paid to at least two levels of faith: faith to receive the saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and faith to receive things from God. Special emphasis would be placed on
  • the relationship between the word of God and faith;
  • the holy spirit and faith;
  • individual spiritual growth and faith
  • Personal obedience and faith


Course objectives

At the end of the course, students are expected to be able to:-
  • Give a Biblical definition of faith
  • Establish the vital link between faith and the Word of GOD
  • Differentiate between faith and presumptions
Have a practical testimony of the reality of faith
Special Course to be instructed by

Rev. Dr. Paul Jinadu


Preaching and Communication Skills

The course focuses on dealing with the call to preach, the spiritual formation of the preacher, picture preaching, sermon preparation resources, the creation of sermon introductions, bodies and conclusions, the techniques of public communications for our time. The general thrust of this course is on the making of a good preacher. It would focus specifically on the following:
  • Getting a message from God;
  • Writing a    sermon   note:    preparation,   characteristics,    organization, classification, construction, materials;
  • Types of sermons: topical, expository and textual;
  • Ethics of sermon delivery: How to effectively communicate a message, attitude for good communications, guidelines for successful public speaking and listening, practices for good interpersonal communications;
  • Attributes of a good introduction, illustration and conclusion
  • Application and prayers

Course objectives

  At the end of the course, students are expected to have a good understanding of:-
  • The theology (Biblical basis) of preaching
  • How to get a running start on learning about the resources for Christian preaching
  • Communication methodology
  • How to preach in practical terms
This course will introduce the students to Biblical, Theological and historical foundations of world missions and explore the scope of mission practice. Attention will be given to an examination of issues related to Evangelism, Missions, persecution of Christians, unreached peoples and cross-cultural communications. We would also look at faith and vocation for tent making missionaries, spiritual warfare and the local Church’s role in missions.

  1. History of Missions
  2. Missions and Islam
  3. Mission impact on Justice and Mercy
  4. Missions and unreachable people – The persecuted Church
  5. Missions and Spiritual warfare
  6. Integration of faith and vocation


Course objectives

At the end of this course, students are expected to:-
  • Be able to appreciate the history of missions in different regions of the world.
  • Be able to have a significant grasp of the importance of cross cultural communication in the context of the Christian faith in a variety of cultures around the
  • Be able to have a theological understanding of GOD’s view of missions in the context of the great commission
  • Be able to articulate the Christian message to a diversity of people in order to advance the mission of
  • Be challenged to obtain a heartfelt zeal for missions
The objective of this course is to equip candidates of the Bible College with the understanding and practical skills required to effectively plant churches and ensure that they thrive. Broadly speaking, the course would examine the meaning of church planting; need for effective evangelism in church planting; establishing churches in the cities and rural areas; principles of church planting; how to cause growth in a local assembly numerically and spiritually; developing a vision for the church; evolving a strong leadership and membership through effective training; and how to motivating zeal in members. The course is divided into two basic components: church growth and church planting. The Part A of the course is on church growth and the following shall be given adequate attention:  
  • Myths about growing
  • Motives for church
  • Church growth and church
  • The early church and the purpose driven
  • Tools for church growth: evangelism; programmes; fellowship; discipleship; and ministry (the place of prayer, planning and preaching would be discussed).
  • Dimensions of Church growth


Course objectives

At the end of the course, the students are expected to:-
  • Be able to present a Biblical and Missiological rationale for Church planting as a viable methodology for Evangelism
  • Be able to clearly identify challenges and major incentives for Church planting
  • Be able to develop a comprehensive Church planting strategy in a locality of choice
Be able to do an individual assessment of their personality, spiritual gifts and talents in the light of how it could help in Church planting
This course is designed to provide basic insights into the ministry of the Pastor. Topics to be covered include:- Ministry foundations
  • Introduction and overview
  • Personal authenticity
  • Cultivating the inner man
  • Character issues Ministry skills
  • Taking heed to self
  • Strategic leadership in the local Church
  • Development of leaders
  • Competency issues – Pastoral longevity, compensation of Clergy & attire Ministry functions
  • Assimilation of new members
  • Weddings and Baptisms
  • Dealing with the sick and helping the grieving
  • Dealing with death - funerals Issues to be discussed include:
  • The making of a pastor, i.e., callings, qualifications, ministry, and recognition.
  • Maintaining the proper balance among ministry, home and other areas of life
  • Ministry of the presence concerning how to conduct weddings, funerals, naming ceremonies, baptisms, dedications, christening, prayer meetings, worship services, and
  • Basic counselling skills required by the pastor to counsel effectively in such areas as courtship, waiting on the Lord, marriage, addiction, single parenting and other relevant issues of life. Focus would be on how to minister to those in real life situations using the scripture as a
  • An understanding of basic psychology that would enhance the counselling capacity of a pastor
  • The relevance of tent making in Pastoral ministry


Course objectives

At the end of the course, students are expected to be able to:-
  • Draw wisdom, insight, principles and practices related to Pastoral ministry from Biblical resources. Class content will flow out of spiritual content.
  • Learn foundations, skills and functions inherent in Pastoral
Be challenged to define Pastoral ministry in a way that is Biblically based but culturally relevant – framing Pastoral ministry that is anchored in the scriptures but geared to the times
This course focusses on the fundamental principles and brief history of Church revival. Conditions for revival and how to labour for and sustain personal revival would be discussed in detail. The course will also feature the examination of the history of spiritual revival awakenings and their influence on the Church life and growth. This course will study the sociological and spiritual milieu out of which these movements arose and what impact they had on the culture of society. There will be an attempt to discover the theological and Biblical principles of those movements and apply them to the contemporary Church. This course shall seek to impart the understanding of the following:-
  • The general sweep of the history of revival from Biblical times to the present
  • The social and religious factors that precipitated the various
  • The general principles and methods that are normally at work in revivals
  • How revivals foster Evangelism, Soul winning and Church
  • He principles    of    Church   ministry    from   the    lives    of    outstanding personalities in the various revival movements
  • The necessity of an awakening in our own day The following issues would be underscored:-
  • What revival is;
  • Preparation for revival;
  • Principles of revival: hunger for God, consistent travailing and prevailing prayer and intercession (covenant prayer), conviction of sin, humility of the people of God, high expectation of the divine;
  • The relationship between revival and evangelism;
  • The American revival of 1857;
  • The Welsh revival of 1804;
  • Revival in the Hebrides
  • Effects of true


Course objectives

At the end of the course, the students are expected to:-
  • Understand causes, nature, and results of revivals and how they influence society. Recognize the empirical results of a revival on various cultures and communities/societies.
  • Recognize key individuals involved in various revivals and develop a keener appreciation of their lives through individual research and class presentations.
  • Gain a broader understanding of revivalist literature, read books and interact with multimedia presentations in attempts to recreate and experience the revival
  • Gather with other Church members to seek GOD’s face for

The course is designed to equip ministers with the understanding of how to demonstrate power of God in ministry. Some of the central issues that would enhance the demonstration of the power of God in ministry that would be discussed include:

  1. Developing the right relationship with the Holy Spirit
  2. Maintaining the right relationship with the Holy Spirit
  3. Having the right heart towards God and His people
  4. The place of faith and courage
  5. The virtue of obedience
  6. The examples of Samuel and
The course takes a look at Biblical spiritual warfare: what it is and what it is not.

  1. Biblical background of spiritual warfare
    • What it entails
    • How Christians react to spiritual warfare
    • General misconceptions
    • The reality of our spiritual war

  2. Where do demons come from?
    • Biblical background
    • Understanding angels and demons
    • Difference between angels and demons
    • Present activities of demon

  3. Can a Christian be demonized?
    • Satan's tools against the believer
    • Understanding generational curses
    • The believer’s authority

  4. Affliction, oppression & possession by demons
    • Description & instances
    • Differences
    • Comparison
    • Results/effects

  5. Operating the deliverance ministry
    • Knowledge of the word of God
    • Understanding a demonic situation and the devices of the devil
    • The role of counselling in deliverance>/li>
    • Spiritual gifts & discipline of the minister
    • Methods of spiritual warfare
    • The believers armour
    • Biblical instances of spiritual warfare

  6. Maintaining the deliverance
    • Self deliverance
    • The word and the believer
    • Soundness of the mind


Certificate in Pastoral Ministry

Three Months.

Diploma in Biblical Studies

One year (Intensive Programme)

Short Course training for Church Workers

Two Weeks.

Summer Children Bible School (Ages 8 to 15 years)

Two Weeks Programme Every August.